离婚 proceedings occur when one or both parties have a desire to end their marital relationship.  The 6686皇冠最新登陆 will make decisions in these cases on the equitable division of the parties’ community property, 社区债务的分配, and will make provisions for the payment of spousal maintenance if appropriate.  如果双方有孩子, the Court will also enter orders regarding legal decision making and parenting time, and determine the amount of child support which will be paid based on Arizona law.


This video explains the procedures for filing for divorce if a couple has no children. 

合法的分居类似于婚姻的解除, 除了双方仍然是合法的婚姻关系.

访问我们的 表格及表格套件 page to view and download forms related to divorce proceedings.


If you have been ordered to attend a Parent Education Class, please contact the Mediation Center at (928) 753-0795 了解更多信息. Classes for you and your former spouse will be scheduled separately. This encourages an open exchange among participants and instructors regarding parenting and your divorce experience and helps you take full advantage of this opportunity.



如果一方希望自己离婚, 他们可以从书记处领取包裹, 办公用品店, 或者在网上填写. The party who is filing the divorce will need to fill out the forms contained in the packet. At this point the Party can sign the Domestic Relations Cover Sheet and the Petition for Dissolution of 婚姻. The Petition for Dissolution of 婚姻 will need to be notarized. 可以在书记处免费公证.

The petitioning party will need to bring the original packet of forms plus two sets of complete copies of the forms. 这并不包括说明书.

The clerk at the counter will only file the documents necessary to start the divorce. They include: The Petition for Dissolution of 婚姻; Domestics Relations Cover Sheet; Preliminary Injunction; Notice Regarding Creditors; and the Notice of Right to Convert Health Insurance. The Petitioner should also have a Summons and Preliminary Injunction (original plus two copies) for the clerk to issue.

一旦初步文件处理完毕, the petitioning party will need to have the respondent served with one set of the copies. 如果被申请人同意, he/she can sign the Acceptance of Service form contained in the packet either at the time that the divorce is filed or any time after the divorce proceedings have begun. If the responding party is not willing to sign the Acceptance of Service, the petitioner will need to make arrangements with a Process Server or the Sheriff's Office to have the papers served.

The respondent has 20 days to file a response to the divorce action (30 days if out-of-state), 不包括送达该人的日期. If the respondent does not file a written response contesting the divorce, the petitioner will need to file the Application and Affidavit for Entry of Default at the Clerk's office after 24 days (if in state) or 34 days (if out-of-state) of service upon the respondent.




If I cannot afford to pay the fees, can I have my fees deferred or waived?

是的,你可以. You must fill out an Application for Deferral of Filing 费.


No, only the Petitioner will need to sign the papers with the exception of the Acceptance of Service. The respondent can sign the Acceptance of Service at any time after the divorce has been filed with the Court. If the respondent refuses to sign the Acceptance of Service, you will need to hire a Process Server or the Sheriff's Office to serve the papers.

我需要为我的配偶服务,但他/她不在州内. 我该怎么办??

你可以通过挂号信将文件送达你的配偶. Only your spouse can sign the Green Receipt Card as proof of service. You will then need to file that Green Receipt Card along with an Affidavit of Service by registered mail with the Clerk's office.


不,它不是. If the respondent does not agree with information contained in the Petition for Dissolution of 婚姻, he/she will need to prepare a written response and file it with the Clerk's Office. The respondent is required to provide a copy of the response to the Petitioner or to the Petitioner's attorney.

我结婚一个星期了. 我可以申请解除婚姻关系吗?

We cannot answer your question on what the statutory grounds (qualifications) are for filing for an annulment in this state. 你应该征求法律意见. 

我正在申请离婚.  我想要回我的娘家姓.  我该怎么办??

There is a section on your Petition for Dissolution of 婚姻 that addresses this issue.  Please refer back to your instructions that came with your packet.  If you are the respondent and you wish to have your maiden name restored, the packet contains a form entitled "Request to Restore Maiden Name" that you can fill out and file with the Clerk's Office.

What if I am already divorced and I wish to have my maiden name given back to me?

Once the divorce has become final and the issue of restoring your maiden name was not addressed, 你需要向法院申请改名.

I would like to change the name of my child and amend the birth certificate to reflect the new name.  我该怎么办??

If you want to amend the birth certificate to reflect the father's last name and the parents were not married, 你可以申请亲子关系.  如果你想合法地改变未成年孩子的名字, 使用适当的法律形式,并将其提交给法院.